Napa Pickleball is a pickleball instructor with a private pickleball court in Napa, CA.
Pickleball Lessons | Pickleball Instructor | NapaPickleball Lessons | Pickleball Instructor | NapaPickleball Lessons | Pickleball Instructor | Napa
(707) 479-6998
9 am - 5 pm
Napa, California
Pickleball Lessons | Pickleball Instructor | NapaPickleball Lessons | Pickleball Instructor | NapaPickleball Lessons | Pickleball Instructor | Napa

Pickleball Lessons

4 Lesson Package


The lesson typically begins with an assessment of the student’s current level of play and goals for improvement. The instructor will then tailor the lesson to meet the student’s needs, providing personalized instruction on the fundamentals of the game, such as serve, return, volley, and overhead shots. The instructor will also focus on footwork, strategy, and mental approach to the game.

Private Lesson 1 Hour


The lesson typically begins with an assessment of the student’s current level of play and goals for improvement. The instructor will then tailor the lesson to meet the student’s needs, providing personalized instruction on the fundamentals of the game, such as serve, return, volley, and overhead shots. The instructor will also focus on footwork, strategy, and mental approach to the game.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)