Napa Pickleball is a pickleball instructor with a private pickleball court in Napa, CA.
Pickleball Lessons | Pickleball Instructor | NapaPickleball Lessons | Pickleball Instructor | NapaPickleball Lessons | Pickleball Instructor | Napa
(707) 479-6998
9 am - 5 pm
Napa, California
Pickleball Lessons | Pickleball Instructor | NapaPickleball Lessons | Pickleball Instructor | NapaPickleball Lessons | Pickleball Instructor | Napa

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Pickleball Lessons | Pickleball Instructor | Napa
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Vicky
Pickle ball lesson

Took a pickle ball lesson from Jeff over the weekend and it was great. He has a court behind his house which is wonderful. He’s a good guy and knows the game.

 by Doretta

Jeff is an excellent trainer/couch. He is informative, patient, and intuitive. I’ve been playing for about 6 mos and went to him for lessons because I started feeling like I was backsliding instead of moving forward. He helped me get back on track. I highly recommend Jeff.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)